Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dear Game Developers,

Please stop taking away my fucking guns. Seriously, guys. What makes you think people like that?

Another issue: The Natalya Syndrome. If you decide to give your main character a sidekick/person to guard, make sure two things are true:

1) That person's attacks actually do something, and
2) The person knows not to fucking walk right in front of you while you are firing an automatic weapon. I mean, christ.


P.S. I like your games.

I just played through Infernal, and these two issues came up. Fortunately, the game is worth it. If you are into the 3rd person shooters (a niche genre, sure), you will be mighty pleased.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

I drew this for some reason

Yes, that is a little person wrestling an alligator. I don't know why the alligator insists that his name is Karl Rove.

Yes, mild intoxication may have had something to do with this.