Wednesday, December 9, 2009

And lo, it was Good

A true story, based on the previous comic, obviously.

Not recurring characters

So, anyone seen that Jersey Shore show? Yeah, me neither. I hear it's awful, though.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Yoda Review: The Body

Well, it is certainly recognizable as Yoda. So it's got that going for it. The real product doesn't quite pop as much as the pattern reference, but that was probably wishful thinking to begin with.

Pic2Point is the online service I used to make that pattern. Since it's free, I can't really complain, but it made some very questionable color recommendations, as well as very questionable representations on the reference pattern itself. I may be colorblind, but even I can tell these are not the same. Which means they're probably even more terribly matched than I think.

Body Done

Next stop: Text-towne.

I speak fluent French

Vous de le coeur? Jeux fromage, poisson incroyable. Faux faux faux.

See? Mayor of Paris, right here.

ANYWAY, I made some crepes.

Ingredients assembled. Booze!

Crepe batter has to rest for an hour or so after mixing so the bubbles can dissipate. Sound food science, yes, but I WANT CREPES NOW.

Cooking away.

Check out this PHAT $TACK of CREPE$.


Cookbook, stack, and rolled.

Crepes are So Choice. If you have the means (i.e. flour, milk, eggs, nonstick pan), I highly recommend cooking them up. Pretty much all recipes are more or less identical; this one seems good. Remember to leave time for batter resting!

Sunday, December 6, 2009