Thursday, August 21, 2008


I'm bored.

I am the hipster KING

I was checking my textbook list for the next quarter, and came across the following:

FALL 2008 CIV_ENG 395-0 22
3 PACK SKETCHBOOK 3 1/2 X 5 1/2

That is correct, I am required to purchase moleskines.

At long last, I will be That Guy. I will sit in the corner of a Local Cafe and sip my Soy Chai Latte and maybe sketch The One That Got Away or write some Meaningful Poetry. My pants: tight. My bike: fixed-gear single-speed... with full-length fenders!

I will be Very Sensitive.

This is the beginning of a new era, my friends! An era where I will write things in tiny notebooks! The future is truly now.