Friday, August 15, 2008

Tell Us More About This "The Phelps"

I figure there's no way in hell that I'm the first one to think up this joke, but I don't see YOU posting it on YOUR internet blog site thing.

Yeah I said it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

How To Watch Preseason Football

Preseason gets a bad rap. Most seem to tolerate it, but the general consensus seems to be an emphatic "meh." After all, these games don't count for anything, right? Why should we care?

Because it's football, jackass.

Maybe you don't like actually watching football, and only enjoy the stats and the wins that accumulate for your chosen city/region? Is that it? Yeah, I'm pretty sure you don't like football, then. Why don't you go play with a spreadsheet or something?

On the other hand, maybe you don't like preseason because you're not watching it right. I'll bet I know the reason: you're not rooting for anyone. Even if you don't care about either of the teams, pick a side. It doesn't matter if you have to flip a coin, but do it, and stick to it. If you hate both teams, root for the defense to keep getting ridiculously big hits. Concussions are fun when you're not the one getting them!

Outside of that, here are some reasons given for preseason apathy:

The Play Isn't On Par With Regular Season Games
For the starters, maybe. But they're in there for a half, tops, then out come the guys playing for a chance to make the team. Don't try telling them that the game doesn't matter. They're going to play hard, and they're going to bring their A-game.

The Games Don't Actually Count
(see above)

One thing that really bothers me is when the network goes into full interview mode the entire second half of the game. This is when the desperate dudes are in there! The second half is more time when you could be seeing stuff like this!

Sometimes Important Starters Get Hurt
OK yeah that blows. I can't argue. But injuries are a part of the game. I'll give you this much: If you are a starting player on a professional football team, you are allowed to hate the preseason. If this is the case, you should also send me some free tickets. a regular season game.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Creatures of Habit

This is a comic about Life. Particularly the sort of Life which you have when you work until you're not working and then kinda sit around for a while. You should try it!*

*You don't want to try it.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Playlist, 8/10/2008

Tobacco - Fucked Up Friends - Hairy Candy
Beck - Modern Guilt - Gamma Ray
Some Hobbits - LotR: Fellowship of the Ring - Hobbit Song
Blue Cheer - Vincebus Eruptum - Second Time Around
Blood Sweat, & Tears - Blood Sweat, & Tears 3 - Lucretia MacEvil
Battles - Mirrored - Ddiamondd
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Baby 81 - Lien On Your Dreams
Windmill - Puddle City Racing Lights - Fluorescent Lights
Bjork - Volta - Innocence
Broadcast - Tender Buttons - I Found the F
The Berg Sans Nipple - Along the Quai - Nonante-Trois
Burial - Untrue - Ghost Hardware