Thursday, May 8, 2008

This is not a Music Blog

For example, I also feature world-class reporting about breasts:

Wait a minute... I was tricked! But was I the only one?

No. No I was not.

Jumpin' East of Java

Coffee for me is a WMD of beverages. I never really drink caffeine during the school year unless it's absolutely necessary, because I get super jittery and tend to feel awful for days afterwards. It's probably a combination of caffeine high and sleep deprivation, and it sucks like you don't even know. I had to subject myself to its horrors today on account of many projects, midterms, and problem sets converging in a two-day span.

The horror.

Quickly, Robin!

I haven't had an album cover up here for a while, but I couldn't resist this one from The Lovely Feathers:

And really, could anyone?

Goodness, it seems I've been advertising heavily for MySpace the past few days.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Robotique Majestique

So the singer in Ghostland Observatory sounds exactly like Freddie Mercury. Go listen to Dancing on My Grave. It's eerie.

Added bonus:

Sounds Like - A RoBot making Love To a Tree!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

That sexy, charismatic, intelligent bastard

Barack Obama is a pimp, so I guess I can forgive him. Hopefully you can forgive me for using basically the same gag twice in a row.