Monday, October 5, 2009

Oh, Ladies: Haiku Reviews of Julie & Julia

Oh, Amy Adams.
Your adorableness was
just not quite enough.

Oh, Nora Ephron.
I don't think blogging makes for
exciting movies.

Oh, Julia Child.
You're nice and all, but your voice
makes me want to die.

Oh god their names all have four syllables! Also. I'm not sure if this says anything, but as soon as I got home I baked some brownies.

Out of a box.

UPDATE: As Shara so thoughtfully informed me without any sort of gloating, "Julia Child" has five syllables. Thank you Shara.

UPDATED UPDATE: As I so thoughtfully inform Shara without any sort of gloating, "Child" is one syllable, after all. Thank you Matt.

1 comment:

  1. say it slowly: ju + li + a + chi + "u"ld. practice beats theory every time. waBAM
